Museum Week 2022: its goal and how to participate
MuseumWeek is back! From June 13 to 19, Galleries, Librairies, Archives, Museum, Artists, Digital Creators from all over the world will gather on all social media platforms to celebrate Culture.. Started in 2014, the worldwide online and offline event supported by UNESCO will hold its ninth edition. Last edition over 60,000 participants from 100+ countries participated in what is now the first worldwide cultural event on social media, and each year it is gathering more participants. We met Benjamin Benita, the founder of MuseumWeek who gave us more info about the coming edition and tips on how to participate and follow the event.
Hello Benjamin, you are the founder of MuseumWeek, can you tell us more about the organization?
Benjamin Benita: MuseumWeek is organized by Culture For Causes Network, a non-profit organization that raises awareness on social causes around the world through culture, with the help of a network of institutional & individual actors from the cultural ecosystem (more than 6000). For instance, with UNESCO in 2016, we promoted tolerance and togetherness, with the CHANEL Foundation it was the place of Women in Culture -yesterday, today, tomorrow- that we particularly focused on, and last year with the Fondation Explora on creativity and the role of artists in society.
In a hyper-connected, hyper-globalized world, in which consciousness and hopes are being forged online, in a complex, rapidly changing world that is facing major challenges that concern all of humanity, we believe that cultural organizations have a fundamental role to play: they are the ones who have the know-how to address complex subject and bring them to the general audience, to enlighten minds with knowledge, to structure opinions, and to prepare minds for all the complexity that we are facing. They are friendly companions for us and will be the catalysts of more creative and resilient societies, more involved into their own future.
What are the objectives of Museum Week?
B.B.: You will understand that MuseumWeek is not only an event, it’s a community. Of course our yearly event is the most visible part of our actions, but we consider ourselves as a soft power tool to address worldwide social challenges, all year-long. In this sense, we are led by the spirit of the United Nations and more especially by the Sustainable Development Goals. To change the world physically -I would say to repair and to save it-, we need first to change the narratives, build new dreams, new reasons to hope. And our role is to accomplish this objective through Culture with its rich and multifarious ecosystem of actors. We will more and more be present around UN topics, it’s a commitment and a promise.
Can you tell us more about MuseumWeek 2022, and how to participate?
B.B.: The event will focus this year on the general theme of “culture, society and innovation“. We will address various subjects such as innovation for social impact, freedom, environment or sexuality. On this last subject, could you imagine a digital world where young brains would be only exposed to pornographic content? What kind of society would we build? About the environment, we can’t hear anymore that there is an alternative truth to this scientific fact. More generally, do we really want a digital world without Humans exposed to Arts, History, Science?
Around the mechanism “7 days, 7 topics, 7 hashtags”, everyone is invited to publish digital content and to organize -online or offline- events, we will be here to amplify them as much as possible. The invitation is open to all: cultural organizations, galleries, artists, digital creators and the general audience. We invite all art lovers and art professionals to join us and share content during the week, follow us on our social media platforms and share our message. 1 post on social media is enough to participate and enjoy, even if you might want to follow the event on your favorite platform.
This year, we will also propose daily talks with professionals from the world of culture from all around the world, as well as special events such as a dancer on the roofs of Paris.

MuseumWeek couldn’t be organized without the help of a team of enthusiasts and committed volunteers, most of them working in galleries, museums or libraries. No MuseumWeek without them!

Program of MuseumWeek 2022
13 June: #innovationMW
14 June: #creatorsMW
15 June: #freedomMW
16 June: #sexualityMW
17 June: #environmentMW
18 June: #lifeLessonsMW
19 June: #danceMW
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More info
More visuals about the 2022 edition here after

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