An exhibition on hyperrealism in France “Stronger than life”
Hyperrealism is an art movement that evolved from photorealism and consists of painting and sculpture resembling a high-resolution photo. A group exhibition with more than 20 artists will take place in Levallois-Perret, near Paris, from February 3rd to 25th.
This generalist exhibition dedicated to Hyperrealism, a first for more than 20 years in France, presents a selection of some of the best European artists, painters, sculptors and draftsmen. More than 150 works will be exhibited in the magnificent Town hall of Levallois-Perret. This exhibition highlights the European dimension of this movement whose ramifications have been spreading throughout the world since the 1970s.
Audiovisual presentations and guided tours will be organized. We had the chance to get a preview of the exhibition and some of the amazing artworks exhibited.
3rd to 25th February 2023 -Opening February 2nd, 7 pm, Free for all.
Hôtel de Ville de Levallois-Perret – 1 Pl. de la République, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France

List of artists: Stéphane Barret, Hervé Bernard, Cécile Bisciglia, Jacques Bodin, Ronald Bowen, François Bricq, Bruno Catalano, Christoph Eberle, Odile Ferron Verron, Patrick Fleurion, Hubert de Lartigue, Agnès Lefevre, Jurgen Lingl, Dominique Mulhem, Marco Picci, Bernard Prillieux, Jean Bernard Pouchous, Frederic Retornaz, Arnaud Roussel, Didier Vallé, Agathe Verschaffel.

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